Positive Card is a customer loyalty and marketing program that offers its members general and special campaigns, fuel and autogas promotions, discounts, promotions, earning points, spending points, participating in organized activities etc. The property rights of Positive Card (Card) belong to "Petrol Ofisi Group A.Ş." (Petrol Ofisi).
The Positive Card Member accepts that he/she has read the Privacy Notice prepared within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698 and other legislation in order to benefit from the Positive Card Program and to use the benefits he/she has gained, and the necessary information has been provided by Petrol Ofisi Group in this context. In order for the Positive Card Member to benefit from the Positive Card Program and to use the points that have earned, he/she must receive a card from contracted Petrol Ofisi Group stations, send an SMS to 7627, fill out the card application form, fill out the necessary information via the Petrol Ofisi website or mobile application and register with a mobile phone number. Positive Card Member shall give explicit consent to the Commercial Electronic Message Consent Form, in case he/she wants to be informed via commercial electronic message regarding Petrol Ofisi Group campaign, congratulation, celebration etc. If the Positive Card Member wants to benefit from and be informed about the Petrol Ofisi applications specific to the member, he/she will have to give explicit consent to the Petrol Ofisi Card Data Processing Permission and the Commercial Electronic Message Consent Form.
General conditions are deemed accepted by sending an SMS for registration to 7627, filling out the card application form, filling out the mobile application or website membership form and becoming a member of the Positive Card Loyalty Program. In case the card is delivered with a form, the cardholder receives the card after completely filling out and signing the application form. After activating the card by sending a message to 7627, a Positive Card member can start gaining the program benefits by registering via the mobile application or Petrol Ofisi Group website.
The member accepts and undertakes the accuracy of the information given through the membership form, mobile application or website. In case the information he/she declares changes, he/she is obliged to update his/her information via the mobile application, Petrol Ofisi Group website or Call Center. Petrol Ofisi Group is not responsible for any errors that may arise as a result of not updating the information, and any obligations and costs resulting thereof.
Applying for a card, and creating a membership via the mobile application or Petrol Ofisi Group website does not oblige Petrol Ofisi to accept the application.
Petrol Ofisi Group may collect membership fees, combine the card program with other programs, and transfer it to a bank, financial institution or other partnerships, upon prior notice.
Petrol Ofisi Group may, at its sole discretion and as deemed necessary, cancel the membership, or erase the membership benefits, or request the return of the program card, if any, without prior notice. Petrol Ofisi Group may cancel cards and memberships for which no transactions have been made (not used in the purchase of fuel and/or LPG) for six months continuously without any prior notice (without any warning or notice) and may erase the points and benefits of these cards or memberships. In addition, Petrol Ofisi has the right to erase unused points and benefits until 31 March of the year following the calendar year on which the points or benefits are earned (This date can be changed by Petrol Ofisi). For example, fuel points earned on June 1, 2020, will become invalid on March 31, 2021. Petrol Ofisi Group reserves the right to change the specified date at any time. The member acknowledges and accepts these conditions. The current conditions can be learned through communication channels such as the Positive Card Program's and Petrol Ofisi's Mobile Application, Website, and call center. The Positive Card Program and Petrol Ofisi are not responsible for any disputes arising from customer benefits that cannot be earned due to malfunctions in electronic systems or inadvertent erroneous notice. This article also applies to different loyalty programs and applications that will be put into effect here and thereafter. In the event of such a situation, the Member has accepted that he/she waives all kinds of claims and litigations in advance.
If there is a card delivered to the member, he/she is obliged to keep the card in good condition. The cardholder will sign the signature on the back of the card as soon as he/she receives it. Even if the cardholder does not sign the Positive Card application form, the first use of the card is deemed to have accepted the General Conditions of the Positive Card Customer Loyalty Program and the campaign conditions determined by Petrol Ofisi Group in advance.
The "Positive Card Program" is activated when the cardholder sends a message to 7627, and registers by providing his information via Petrol Ofisi Mobile application or on Petrol Ofisi website.
It is required to be over the age of 18 in order to become a member of the program and gain benefits.
The member accepts that the information he/she filled in the membership form can be shared in accordance with the legislation with Petrol Ofisi Group and Petrol Ofisi Group's subsidiaries, as well for use in activities, campaigns, invitations, mail, e-mail, SMS, push messages and similar marketing activities organized by the 3rd Party as determined by Petrol Ofisi.
Program membership shall only be used by the holder through Positive Card, license plate or mobile phone number at Positive Card member Petrol Ofisi Group stations throughout Turkey and within the scope of other program partnerships and campaigns to be determined by Petrol Ofisi Group.
As the member makes purchases within the scope of the program, he/she will check the accuracy of the shopping information and, if necessary, make an objection to the station / dealer or the Call Center at that moment. If the member does not make an objection in this manner within (8) days, he/she will be deemed to have confirmed the correctness of the shopping that has been made.
The maximum amount of points or benefits that a member can earn in one day, the number of transactions at the same or different stations, the upper limit of transactions can be determined by Petrol Ofisi Group beforehand, and the determined benefit amounts can be changed. In case of detection of abuse of the program, the member will not be able to earn points and benefits. In case of the card, the plate or mobile phone number defined for the loyalty program is used for purposes other than the actual use, or if the card, the plate defined for the loyalty program or the mobile phone is used excessively by methods such as fraud, misrepresentation, or if all illegal methods are used to gain an extra benefit, all legal rights of Petrol Ofisi Group are reserved.
Benefit types, benefit amount and benefit earning conditions can be changed by Petrol Ofisi Group at any time. The member accepts that Petrol Ofisi Group is authorized to stop, erase, remove and change the campaigns, gift points and benefits without prior notice, without the need for any warning or notice.
During the execution of the Petrol Ofisi Group Loyalty Program, if the continuation of the loyalty program is not possible due to changes in the legislation in force, the cards and memberships held by the users automatically become null and void.
This program may be stopped or removed without any reason, provided that prior notice is given.
Different cards or memberships may be offered by Petrol Ofisi Group within the Positive Card program, which may only be valid for some sub-programs/memberships. Customer benefits and program scope for these programs/memberships may vary.
If the card readers on the pump at the station or the POS terminals in the markets do not work for any reason, the members will submit the documents regarding the purchasing to Petrol Ofisi Group Customer Services, and in case a malfunction is detected in the station as a result of the examination to be made by Petrol Ofisi Group, Petrol Ofisi Group Customer Services will be able to upload the member with points or benefits within the required limits. In this regard, the member can contact Petrol Ofisi Customer Services Hotline by calling (0800 211 02 29 - 0555 675 55 55).
The member accepts and declares that not to give or allow others to use the card and number given to him/her, the plate that he/she has registered in the system, his/her mobile phone number, and the passwords he/she has, he/she is responsible for keeping them; that also immediately notify by calling the Petrol Ofisi Group Customer Services Hotline (0800 211 02 29 - 0555 675 55 55) in case of selling or transferring his/her vehicle, change to the license plate, change to the mobile phone number, closing or transferring the phone number, that all rights and benefits regarding membership will be withdrawn and other measures may be applied if it is determined by Petrol Ofisi that the card or mobile phone number, the program has been abused or misused by the member or someone else. In case the necessary notice is not made, the Positive Card Program cannot be held responsible for the points defined for the mobile phone number due to the transfer of the line to someone else, etc. The conditions in this clause shall also apply to all vehicles used in the Program.
If the card has the feature of a payment instrument, it can be used as a payment instrument for fuel purchased from Petrol Ofisi Group stations that sell through the Pay&Go System.
The card can be used as a payment tool if the cardholder chooses the payment feature (Pay&Go System) and matches at least one of the credit cards of the contracted banks with the Positive Card. In this case, the general conditions of the Pay&Go System apply.*
If the Pay&Go System is not chosen by the cardholder, the Card is not a stand-alone payment tool (credit card).
If the member wishes to make a mobile in-vehicle payment, he/she can carry out the payment transactions by registering the license plate and credit card on his/her mobile device with the necessary features via Petrol Ofisi mobile application.
The plates registered by the member in the mobile application and the information that he/she has registered the credit card will be listed automatically in the mobile application. The use of the option to add credit cards will become active after the registration of the license plate on which the member wants to make mobile payments, or the selection of one of the registered plates, the approval of the information about the credit card (approval is made with the 3D Secure method and the flow on the 3D page is completely between the member and the bank of the card. If the mobile transaction result is successful, the card is added.) In this context, the member; can add any credit card he/she wants to the mobile application in line with his/her own initiative. The credit card to be added by the member must be open to online shopping and its limit must be sufficient. In terms of mobile payment, the general conditions of the Pay&Go System below apply.*
Members who register their credit card for mobile payment accept and declare that they can perform transactions with or without a password, within the limits determined by Petrol Ofisi, and within the rules determined by Petrol Ofisi, in order to be able to make mobile payments.
The member who registers his/her credit card for mobile payment accepts and declares that he/she shall only use the mobile payment feature for his/her own use and will take necessary precautions in this regard, particularly the protection and storage of his/her device, will ensure the confidentiality and security of his/her password in transactions requiring a password, within the framework of the rules determined by Petrol Ofisi Group within the scope of mobile transaction limits for mobile payment transactions, will not allow anyone other than himself/herself to use his/her password and mobile application, and any damage and responsibility that may arise otherwise belongs to him/her.
*General Conditions of In-Vehicle Payment System
Pursuant to this instruction, I irrevocably declare and accept and undertakes that I have requested to participate in the In-Vehicle Payment System as of the issuance date of this form, and I have received the Card featured with In-Vehicle Payment System within the scope of this application, I have authorized the debiting of any credit card account that will be associated with the card and which is open to electronic commercial transactions, with the cost of the goods and services that I have purchased from the member merchant dealers, which you represent within the scope of this application by means of the card, in the event that the service and goods costs cannot be collected from the credit card accounts for which information is given, for any reason, these fees will be paid by me directly (in another credit card or in cash), I will carefully keep the card that was given to me to be used in In-Vehicle Payment System, and that I will not give it to third parties in any way, In case of theft or loss, immediately call the Petrol Ofisi Call Center (0800 211 02 29 - 0555 675 55 55) to report the situation and request that the card be closed for usage, I am responsible for the loss and damage arising from the use of the said card by third parties for the period until the notice, that I will not request the refund and/or cancellation of the transaction amount in the transactions I will make with the card, that your company and/or your member merchant dealers, for which you are your agent within the scope of this application and included in the application, do not have any responsibility, all transactions that your company will carry out within the scope of this application are carried out on behalf of and on behalf of the member merchant dealers, and that the information I have declared in this form is correct and complete.
Petrol Ofisi Group can unilaterally change the conditions of use of the card, types of benefits and value of benefits and which transactions will be awarded points or benefits.
The member must have completed the mandatory information (Name, Surname, Mobile phone number) fields in order to use points or request benefits.
Each member can benefit from a maximum of 2 vehicles (plates) with one card. Again, each member can register a maximum of 2 vehicles (plates) to their mobile application. If members want to purchase with a license plate other than the license plate registered to their card or mobile application, they will not be able to gain benefits. If there is no license plate defined on the card and the license plate is declared via the mobile application, the license plate entered in the pump and the mobile phone of the member must be verified on the POS in the first shopping, and the mobile phone and the license plate are matched there. It is expected to perform this transaction for each new plate within the limit. If the member wants to use a license plate other than this matched plate in his/her next purchases, he/she will not able to gain points. The cardholder can update his/her license plate information and other defined information by calling Petrol Ofisi customer services, after proving that he/she is the owner of the membership, by answering the questions asked by the customer service representative. Plate information can be updated once a year at most. The maximum number of plate information updates is also valid for updates over all channels. In return for the points approved by Petrol Ofisi Group, the member can request and use the desired benefits or points by scanning his/her card, saying his/her mobile phone, scanning the QR code or saying the QR code through the POS terminals at the station. Petrol Ofisi Group shall send a password to the member's mobile phone registered in the system for customer verification in the use of points/benefits, and this verification shall need to be done at the POS.
Benefits and points earned from shopping with Positive Cards cannot be used without activating the Loyalty Program membership and entering the password sent to the mobile phone. In the same way, points shall not be earned until the customer verification process is completed via POS after membership via the mobile application.
In the event that the card or mobile phone is stolen, lost or corrupted so that it cannot be used, the member shall immediately notify Petrol Ofisi Group by calling Petrol Ofisi Customer Services Hotline (0800 211 02 29 - 0555 675 55 55), and the Petrol Ofisi will cancel card or membership. Petrol Ofisi Group is not responsible for any damages that may arise in the time that passes until the notice is made. The conditions in this article shall also apply to all vehicles other than the card used in the Programs.
The cardholder shall request the points earned with his/her old card to be loaded onto his/her new card by calling Petrol Ofisi Group Customer Services Hotline.
The cardholder can load the points on his/her old card to the new one only if the information specified in the new card application form is the same as the information in the old card application form and it is determined that he/she is the same person as the registered Member.
Members are obliged to inform Petrol Ofisi immediately in case the vehicles whose license plates they registered through the mobile application or other channels are handed over. If it is determined that the vehicle no longer has a link to the member, Petrol Ofisi Group may delete and withdraw all the benefits given.